Our July meeting has changed from July 7th to July 14th. This change is due to the speaker availability. The meeting is still at Boone Electric Cooperative but is in the Volt room instead of the Amp room. Bestselling author Gregory Ashe will present on a topic still being determined. He’s the author of more than 75 mystery and speculative fiction books. His books have been translated into Spanish, French, and Chinese. Want to know more? Check out his website at www.gregoryashe.com.
This new category replaces the old CWG Announcements category.
February CWG Meeting
I hope you join us on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 2 pm cst at Boone Electric Coop in Columbia. Here’s the information from BEC on use of the room. We will set up at 1:30 so feel free to come early. I have the pin if you need it. After the meeting, make sure to take everything with you. I look forward to seeing you there! ~Deb Sutton, CCMWG President.
Missouri Writers Guild-Sunday, February 4; 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.; Amp Room
Parking/PIN Entry
Park in the lot south of the Community Building — DO NOT park in front of the Boone Electric lobby during business hours. We encourage groups to car pool as some days there will be multiple groups meeting. Please lock your vehicles! Enter the five-digit PIN listed above into the keypad followed by #. It is located to the left of the front doors. It will not work until the start time listed on the application. The external entry door will unlock for 30 minutes after entered and each time entered until your meeting is scheduled to end. If you leave earlier than scheduled, please push the green button on the right after exiting to lock the doors. DO NOT PROP ANY EXTERNAL DOORS OPEN AT ANY TIME. We encourage you to share the PIN with your guests or have someone open the door for them.
Connecting Wi-Fi
Scan the QR code located in the back of each room. There also is a password listed for laptops.
Projector Screens/Curtains/Lighting/Partitions
Our A/V system is not operational at this time, but you are welcome to use your own projector with our projector screens. Instructions for adjusting shades and lighting are located at the back of the room.
Set up/Cleaning
Each group is responsible for their own set up and clean up. The requested number of tables, chairs and dry erase boards will be in the reserved room. Someone from your group must be present to accept any deliveries or catering orders for their group or provide caterers with your PIN; Boone Electric will not accept these. Trash should be removed from the room and put in the large receptacle at the bottom of the stairs by the kitchen. Groups using the room(s) on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday should remove their trash from the premises since no janitorial service is available over the weekend. Please remove or dispose of all items brought into the building.