
of the Columbia Chapter

of the Missouri Writers’ Guild

Article I

These By-Laws will supersede all previous By-Laws of the Columbia Chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild.

Article II—Purpose

The Columbia Chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild was formed for the purpose of promoting the written word by sharing information and inspiring creativity in Columbia and Mid-Missouri writers.

Article III—Meetings

This organization will hold a meeting of the membership at least quarterly which will be organized by the Board of Officers.

Article IV—Membership

This organization is open to anyone who has an interest in writing. Annual memberships run from January through December, and said dues are determined by the chapter. Those joining after October will receive membership for the following year. Full-time students will pay ½ the amount of current dues. Those persons experiencing financial hardship may present their situation in writing to the President who will then make a determination of the amount of dues, if any, that must be paid. For purposes of chapter business, a passing vote will consist of a majority (2/3) of members present.

Article V—Officers/Executive Committee

Officers of this organization must be elected from members in good standing. Officers will consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Administrative Assistant, and a Membership Chairperson. A slate of officers will be selected by a nominating committee appointed by the President in January of each year. The slate of officers will be presented at the February meeting and the election will be held at the March meeting. Officers will begin their one year term the day following the election.

The remainder of the Executive Committee will consist of small group leaders and a member-at-large as appointed by the President. At least one member of the Executive Committee will be a member of the Missouri Writers’ Guild. The Executive Committee will have authority to handle day-to-day business, programming, policy, and financial affairs of the organization. The Executive Committee reserves the right to dismiss an officer for failure to perform duties and/or attend meetings.

Delineation of Duties by Office:
PRESIDENT – presides over Chapter quarterly meetings and all other general membership meetings. The President will select a qualified appointment as Editor of Well Versed, appoints facilitators for working groups, appoints committees, appoints member-at-large, responds to inquiries concerning Chapter membership or programming, oversees day-to-day business, programming and financial affairs of the organization in cooperation with the Executive Committee.

VICE PRESIDENT – assumes the duties of the President in his/her absence, shares duties with the President and is a member of the Executive Committee.

SECRETARY – records the minutes of the Chapter’s quarterly meetings, distributes/reports minutes to the membership, maintains a file of all Chapter meeting minutes, assumes the duties of the President in the absence of both the President and Vice President, member of the Executive Committee.

TREASURER – keeps an orderly record of Chapter income and expenditures, makes timely deposits of all funds received, reports the following to the Chapter at each quarterly meeting: income received (sources), expenditures (purposes), balance (date of report), reconciles bank statements monthly, keeps financial and membership and other as directed by the executive committee. Issues checks upon receipt of properly executed receipts or vouchers, member of the Executive Committee.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – serves as the Chapter’s liaison with public relations resources, publicizes the Chapter’s activities through press releases and special program announcements, editor for the  periodic newsletter, member of the Executive Committee.

MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON – keeps attendance and contacts new members, arranges hospitality for meetings as needed, facilitates contests and challenges within the guild, member of the Executive Committee.

Article VI—Meetings and Committees
The President will preside over all general membership meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside, and in the absence of the Vice-President, the Secretary will preside. The President will appoint committees for various purposes, the membership of which will consist of any members in good standing.

Article VII—Contests

Writing contests may be held. However, awards will not be taken from Chapter treasury, but rather will be funded through charitable donations and/or entry fees.

Article VIII—Newsletter/Website

A newsletter will be published three to four times a year. A copy of the newsletter will be sent to the Publicity Chairperson and the Historian of the Missouri Writers’ Guild and will also be posted on the chapter website. The website will be maintained by an individual appointed by the President.

Article IX—Publicity

The officers will publicize the Chapter’s activities through the website, press releases, newsletters, special program announcements, and any other means deemed appropriate by the President.

Article X—Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended or changed only when presented and discussed at a meeting of the general membership. Written notice of proposed changes must be given to the general membership one month prior to the vote. The vote to amend or change will be taken at a subsequent meeting giving membership written notice of proposed changes.

Revised February 7, 2016
30 members present, passed with 2/3rd or more votes in favor of each change

These replaced the BY-LAWS of the Columbia Chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild Revised in 2014


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