I’m excited to share the winners of this year’s Well Versed anthology! I’m sorry it’s taken me a bit to get this to you. Congrats to all our winners and contributors! And thank you to our peer reviewers and those who helped with the process. A special thank you to our final judges! ~ Deb
First Place: The Honey Tree by Sharon SingingMoon
Second Place: The Mower Diaries by Virginia Lee
Third Place: Signs of Aging for the Hearing Repaired by Lynn McIntosh
First Place: Do it to Yourself by Frank Montagnino
Second Place: Still Fine by Saralinda Bauer
Third Place: Picture This by Millie Henry
Honorable Mention: Night Drive 1961 by Jana Stephens
First Place: On the Pennsylvania Turnpike by M. Cortney Daniels
Second Place: How to Tell an Old Missouri Road by David Tager
Third Place: Broken by Rebecca Graves
Honorable Mention: Burning Days by Marcie McGuire
First Place: Visitors by Jana Stephens
Second Place: Don’t Go That Way by Adria Waters
Third Place: Treasure by Jana Stephens
Thank you again to everyone who has contributed to Well Versed 2023. A special thanks to Victoria Hubbell for taking on the role of co-editor.
Our Launch Party is June 4th from 2:00-4:00 pm at the CK Odor Shelter in Kiwanis Park in Columbia Missouri. Contributors are invited to read their contributions from the Well Versed 2023 anthology.
Hope to see you there!