Please use the order form below to order copies of Well Versed 2024. The preorder price for books is $10 each. This form is for books to be picked up at the June CCMWG meeting or to be shipped to your address.
If want your books shipped to you, please add $3.65 and fill in the shipping line.
When ordering, you have several payment options. These are also listed at the bottom of the order form:
You can pay by check at the May 5th CWG meeting or mail a check to CCMWG, PO Box 7795, Columbia, MO 65205
Pay with cash at the May 5th CWG meeting. Cortney or Deb will be able to accept payment.
At the bottom of the order form there is a link that will take you to PayPal to complete the transaction.
Please fill out the order form whether you are paying by cash, check, or PayPal. The form will automatically collect the information so we can get an accurate count of how many books to order. If you have any questions email the Well Versed 2024 editors at or Deb at
Note: If you are entitled to a free contributor copy, AND you are not ordering additional copies, do not fill out the order form. (We have already included you in the order.) If you need us to ship your contributor copy please contact us at the above emails.